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Foster Application

Do you own or rent
If you rent, are pets allowed
Type of dwelling
Mobile home

I agree and understand that Green Heart Rescue, Inc. is not responsible for injury or property damage caused by a foster pet(s). In the event that any of my own pets should become ill or injured due to interaction with foster pets, Green Heart Rescue, Inc. will not be liable and vet bills must be paid by the foster person/family.

I agree and understand that I will not be compensated for expenses incurred in the normal daily care of the animal, Dog food is available to foster parents upon request.

I agree and understand that the foster pet is the property of Green Heart Rescue, Inc. must be surrendered to Green Heart Rescue, Inc. when requested.

I agree and understand that when we foster a dog, we are accepting the dog as is and with full responsibility for his/her actions while in our care. No warranty or guarantee is either intended or given as to the physical condition or temperament of these foster dogs their background is generally unknown.

I agree and understand that no medical care shall be undertaken without prior written approval from Green Heart Rescue, Inc. with the exception of emergency vet care. I further understand that medical care for the foster dog is done only through Green Heart Rescue, Inc. rescue veterinary clinics which are located in Meridian. I am willing to travel to Meridian for veterinary care when required. (contact information will be provided to the foster parent).

I agree and understand that foster dog will not be left off leash in an unfenced area at any time

I agree and understand that foster dog will keep the provided collar and tags on their foster pet at all times

I agree and understand that placement of the dogs is the sole responsibility of Green Heart Rescue, Inc.. The foster can not be transferred to another party or location without approval from. The foster pet is to be adopted to its permanent home ONLY under approval of Green Heart Rescue, Inc., and our standard adoption policies will apply. Foster parent may refer candidate adopters directly to Green Heart Rescue, Inc..

I understand that because fostering is a short term situation, the criteria for fostering is less stringent than for adoption, qualifying as foster parent does necessarily equate to qualification for adoption.

I agree and understand that if I am interested in adopting my foster dog, that Green Heart Rescue, Inc. standard adoption policies apply, this includes completing an adoption contact as well as paying an adoption fee. This must be completed in a timely manner.

Green Heart Rescue, Inc. prescreens all animals and will not knowingly provide an animal that is dangerous or unsuitable for adoption. If for any reason, you can no longer take care of this pet, you must contact Green Heart Rescue, Inc. immediately to arrange his/her return.


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